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Welcome to our Ultimate Guide to AI Prompts, your go-to resource for sparking innovation and enhancing productivity across various fields. Whether you're a developer, a creative professional, or just curious about the potentials of artificial intelligence, this blog is packed with carefully curated AI prompts designed to inspire and challenge you. From improving machine learning models to generating unique artistic creations, this diverse list of prompts will help you unlock new possibilities and explore the exciting world of AI. Dive in and discover how AI can transform your projects and ideas into reality!

What Platform Should You Use?

Before you can dive into structuring your prompts and using AI effectively, you have to decide what platform will work best for your needs. This decision can be a bit overwhelming so here are some quick differences to help you determine the best option:


This is the primary tool you're probably used to hearing about by now. ChatGPT is a highly sophisticated language model that can generate natural-sounding responses to user queries. It is great for answering questions and generating content, making it a versatile platform. ChatGPT has also demonstrated strong performance in a variety of tasks, including language translation, question answering, and text summarization.

ChatGPT can struggle to understand the context of user queries fully. This can lead to inaccurate responses or misunderstandings. ChatGPT lacks the emotional intelligence of a human being, which can make it less effective in certain situations. For example, it may not be able to provide appropriate emotional support or empathy in a counseling or therapeutic setting. ChatGPT is also inherently a public tool, meaning that any uploaded content will also be used to train it. Users should avoid entering any private or proprietary content. uses machine learning to offer personalized recommendations to users based on their individual preferences and interests. It also supports both voice and text-based interaction, making it versatile. Additionally, can be integrated with other apps and services, which expands its potential use cases. is designed to be user-friendly, with an intuitive interface that makes it easy to start.

As a newer AI platform, may not have the same capabilities as more established platforms like ChatGPT or CoPilot. may not support as many languages as other AI platforms, which could limit its usefulness for some users.


Dante is an AI platform that excels at analyzing and interpreting data. It is highly customizable, allowing users to create their own custom workflows and integrate them with other systems and tools. It can be programmed to handle specific tasks and queries, making it suitable for a range of use cases. Dante is particularly strong in industries that rely on data analytics, such as finance, healthcare, and marketing.

Dante requires some technical knowledge to use effectively, which may be a barrier for some users. Additionally, the platform may not be as user-friendly as other AI platforms, which could make it less suitable for non-technical users. Dante may have a smaller user community compared to more established platforms like ChatGPT, which could limit support and resources.


CoPilot is an AI platform that integrates with multiple messaging platforms and is native to Microsoft, allowing for easy communication. It uses natural language processing to understand and respond to user queries efficiently. CoPilot is also able to handle multiple conversations simultaneously, making it suitable for customer service and support.

CoPilot requires a subscription for access to its advanced features, which may be a barrier for some users. Some users have also reported occasional lag or unresponsiveness when using the platform. CoPilot may not be as customizable as other platforms like Dante, which could limit its usefulness for some users.

Once you choose what platform will suit your needs, it's time to start playing! Below, we've compiled a simple prompt formula that you can use to get started and customize to fit your needs.

Prompt Formula:

AI Prompt Graph

Here are a few specific examples that use this formula as a jumping-off point and get more specific. Feel free to customize for your specific needs.


PROMPT: Act as an expert Instagram social media marketer. I want you to do some research for me. Tell me 10 frustrations, 10 desires, 10 fears that community banks experience with their technology managed service provider. Put it in a table format label x-axis 1-10 and y-axis frustrations, desires, fears.


Based on the information gathered, here is a table that summarizes the frustrations, desires, and fears that community banks experience with their technology managed service providers (MSPs):






Complex technological advances outpacing staff expertise​​

Access to innovative technology solutions​​

Falling behind in digital transformation​​


Difficulties in talent acquisition due to geographic location​​

Scalable and flexible technology services​​

Loss of customer base to megabanks​​


Inadequate compensation or training programs compared to larger banks​​

Cost-effective core processing services​​

Regulatory non-compliance and associated penalties​​


Reliance on limited number of CSPs with variable innovation pace​​

Enhanced cybersecurity measures​​

Security breaches and data leaks​​


Dissatisfaction with CSPs' flexibility and cost​​

Efficient and integrated banking technology​​

Inadequate IT support and infrastructure failure​​


Slow speed of innovation from CSPs​​

Streamlined compliance processes​​

Operational inefficiencies and errors​​


High operational costs for platform migration​​

Advanced fraud and AML management tools​​

Loss of competitive edge due to outdated technology​​


Legal and financial barriers in service contracts​​

Effective third-party vendor management​​

High costs of technological updates and maintenance​​


Limited ability to engage with fintech firms due to CSP constraints​​

Seamless digital banking experience for customers​​

Falling victim to evolving cyber threats​​


Inadequate support for mobile and online banking integration​​

Robust disaster recovery and backup solutions​​

Being outperformed by more technologically agile competitors​​

This table synthesizes the challenges and aspirations community banks have when dealing with technology managed service providers, drawing from the complex landscape they navigate in maintaining competitiveness and security while meeting regulatory requirements and customer expectations.


PROMPT: Act as an expert LinkedIn social media marketer. I want you to do some research for me. Tell me 10 frustrations, 10 desires, 10 fears that health clinics have with their technology. Put it in a table format label x-axis 1-10 and y-axis frustrations, desires, fears.


Based on research, common frustrations, desires, and fears related to technology for health clinics could include:





Inability to scale with growth

Reliable IT support

Data breaches


Insufficient cybersecurity measures

Advanced cybersecurity

Compliance failures


Slow response times

Prompt issue resolution

System outages


Constant upselling

Cost-effective solutions

Financial losses


Billing inaccuracies

Transparent billing

Unauthorized access to data


Frequent outages

High system uptime

Legal penalties


Lack of remediation strategies

Proactive threat detection

Damage to reputation


Poor transparency

Clear communication

Patient privacy violations


Inadequate internal security

Strong internal safeguards

Loss of patient trust


Inflexible service offerings

Customizable IT solutions

Falling behind in technology

These elements could serve as a starting point for addressing the needs and concerns of health clinics regarding their technology and IT managed service providers.

PROMPT: As a LinkedIn expert, please write a LinkedIn Post that is approximately 300 words focused on why manufacturers should engage with an MSP that is experienced in their industry and has been around for at least 10 years.


"In the fast-paced world of manufacturing, partnering with an experienced Managed Service Provider (MSP) is not just beneficial; it's a strategic necessity. Why? Because an MSP that has navigated the industry for over a decade brings unparalleled expertise and proven solutions tailored to your specific challenges. They've seen the evolution of technology in manufacturing and can preemptively address issues, ensuring your operations remain seamless and ahead of the curve. Don't let your manufacturing business fall behind due to outdated technology or cybersecurity threats. Opt for an MSP that knows your industry inside out. #Manufacturing #MSP #TechnologyInnovation #Cybersecurity #OperationalEfficiency"


PROMPT: Could you please write a blog post that is approximately 500 words about how small health care clinics should pick the right MSP to ensure they don't fall behind in technology?


Selecting the Right MSP: A Guide for Small Health Care Clinics

In the rapidly evolving field of health care, small clinics face the pressing challenge of staying abreast of technology without compromising patient care. Here's how small health care clinics can select the right Managed Service Provider (MSP) to keep pace with technological advancements:

1. Assess Your Clinic’s Specific Needs: Understand the unique needs of your clinic. Consider factors like the size of your clinic, the type of data you handle, and your budget. Identify the services you need the most, such as cloud storage, cybersecurity, or 24/7 support.

2. Prioritize Security and Compliance: For health care clinics, patient data security and regulatory compliance, particularly HIPAA, cannot be overstated. Choose an MSP with proven expertise in health care cybersecurity and one that offers comprehensive compliance solutions.

3. Seek Scalable Solutions: As your clinic grows, so will your IT needs. Opt for an MSP that offers scalable services that can grow with your clinic. This ensures that you won’t have to switch providers as you expand.

4. Demand Proactive Support and Maintenance: The right MSP should offer more than just reactive solutions. Look for providers that offer regular system checks, updates, and proactive monitoring to prevent issues before they arise.

5. Evaluate the MSP’s Experience in Health Care: Experience in the health care sector is crucial. An MSP familiar with health care systems will better understand your needs and challenges, offering tailored solutions and ensuring smoother operations.

6. Transparency and Clear Communication: Select an MSP that values transparency in pricing and communicates clearly. Understanding the services and the costs involved helps in budgeting and avoids hidden charges.

7. Check for References and Reviews: Before making a decision, check the MSP’s references and reviews, especially from other health care clinics. This can provide insight into their reliability and the quality of their service.

8. Consider the MSP’s Tech Advancements: In a field as dynamic as health care, outdated technology can lead to inefficiencies and vulnerabilities. Choose an MSP that stays on the cutting edge of technology and can provide your clinic with the latest solutions.

9. Analyze the Contract Thoroughly: Pay careful attention to the contract terms. Ensure there are clear service level agreements (SLAs), response times, and support protocols. Understand the process for resolving disputes and the terms for contract termination.

10. Focus on Partnership: Ultimately, your MSP should act as a partner, not just a provider. A good MSP will understand your clinic’s long-term goals and help you achieve them.

By carefully evaluating potential MSPs based on these criteria, small health care clinics can ensure they choose a partner that will help them stay up-to-date with the latest technological advancements, maintain compliance, and provide the best possible care to their patients.

Based on common challenges in the manufacturing sector, here's a summarized table reflecting manufacturers' frustrations, desires, and fears regarding technology:






Outdated technology

Advanced, scalable solutions

Falling behind competitors


Inadequate data security

Enhanced cybersecurity

Data breaches and leaks


Poor integration between systems

Seamless software integration

Inefficiencies and errors


High maintenance costs

Cost-effective maintenance

Unforeseen expenses


Limited mobility and access

Remote access capabilities

Loss of control over operations


Insufficient training

Comprehensive training programs

Staff resistance to new tech


Lack of customization

Tailored solutions

Inability to meet specific needs


Slow response from tech support

Fast, reliable customer support

Downtime and operational halts


Complicated user interfaces

User-friendly technology

Low adoption and usage rates


Inflexible software licenses

Flexible, scalable licensing

Overpaying for unnecessary features

For detailed insights into each point, manufacturers should assess their specific technology challenges and seek out MSPs or solutions that address these critical areas while aligning with their operational goals and industry standards.


PROMPT: Can you please write a performance improvement plan (PIP) for a level 1 engineering who consistently fails to document their time and update the configurations in the CMDB so their peers have the proper documentation necessary to support the business. Please make the PIP 90 days with 30-day check-in cycles to review the engineers work. Document that if the performance is not improved, the engineer will be terminated.


Sure, I can help you with that. Below is a template for a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) tailored to your scenario:

Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

Employee Name: [Employee Name]
Position: Level 1 Engineer
Department: [Department Name]
Manager: [Manager's Name]
PIP Start Date: [Start Date]
PIP End Date: [End Date, 90 days from start]


The employee has consistently failed to document their time adequately and update the configurations in the Configuration Management Database (CMDB), which is essential for maintaining proper documentation necessary for the support of the business by their peers.


  1. Time Documentation: Employee must accurately and consistently document their working hours in the designated tracking system every day.
  2. CMDB Updates: Employee must ensure that all configuration changes are updated in the CMDB within 24 hours of the change.
  3. Peer Support: Employee must provide necessary documentation and assistance to peers to support business operations effectively.

Performance Objectives:

  1. Daily Time Tracking: Employee must submit their time tracking sheet daily, with no discrepancies or missed entries.
  2. Timely CMDB Updates: All configuration changes must be accurately reflected in the CMDB within the 24-hour timeframe.
  3. Quality of Documentation: The documentation provided for peers must be clear, complete, and easily accessible.

Check-In Schedule:

  • 30-Day Review: [Date, 30 days from start]
    • Review time tracking submission compliance.
    • Audit CMDB entries for completeness and timeliness.
    • Evaluate feedback from peers regarding the quality and accessibility of documentation.
  • 60-Day Review: [Date, 60 days from start]
    • Reassess time tracking and CMDB update compliance.
    • Review improvements and continued challenges.
    • Discuss additional support or resources needed.
  • 90-Day Review: [Date, 90 days from start]
    • Final evaluation of time tracking, CMDB updates, and peer support documentation.
    • Determine if the performance standards have been met.


If the performance standards set forth in this PIP are not met by the end of the 90-day period, disciplinary action up to and including termination may be considered.

Employee Acknowledgment:

I, [Employee Name], acknowledge that I have received and understand the contents of this Performance Improvement Plan. I understand my performance will be reviewed against these expectations and that failure to meet these standards may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Employee Signature: ___________________ Date: _________

Manager Signature: ____________________ Date: _________

Remember, the PIP should be tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of your organization and the employee in question. It is crucial to maintain a supportive tone throughout the PIP process, emphasizing improvement and growth rather than punishment.

PROMPT: Can you please provide me with a one-on-one template to use in coaching new middle managers in becoming great leaders within a technology based MSP?


Creating a one-on-one coaching template for new middle managers in a technology-based Managed Services Provider (MSP) involves focusing on key areas that are crucial for their development as effective leaders. Below is a customizable template that you can adapt based on individual needs and organizational goals:

One-on-One Coaching Session Template for New Middle Managers at a Technology-Based MSP

Manager's Name:
Coach's Name:
Duration: [Typically 60 minutes]

1. Opening (5 minutes)

  • Briefly catch up and set a comfortable, open tone for the session.
  • Review the agenda and objectives for today's meeting.
  • Ask the manager how they're feeling or if there's anything specific they'd like to focus on.

2. Review of Previous Actions (10 minutes)

  • Discuss actions and goals set during the last session.
  • Reflect on successes and challenges.
    • What went well?
    • What obstacles were encountered?
    • How were challenges handled?

3. Leadership and Management Skills (15 minutes)

  • Focus on specific leadership qualities important in a MSP context (e.g., decision-making, delegation, communication).
  • Discuss any recent leadership challenges faced and explore solutions.
  • Share relevant experiences, articles, or training materials.

4. Project and Team Management (15 minutes)

  • Review current projects and team dynamics.
  • Discuss any issues or successes in managing team workload, client expectations, and project timelines.
  • Offer strategies for improving efficiency, communication, and team engagement.

5. Professional Development (10 minutes)

  • Discuss the manager's personal growth and development within the MSP landscape.
  • Identify areas for improvement or new skills to develop.
  • Plan for attending workshops, webinars, or courses relevant to their role and the technology industry.

6. Feedback and Recognition (5 minutes)

  • Provide constructive feedback on the manager's performance and leadership style.
  • Recognize achievements and positive behaviors.
  • Encourage self-reflection: What does the manager feel they've improved on? Where do they see room for growth?

7. Action Items and Next Steps (5 minutes)

  • Summarize key takeaways from the session.
  • Agree on specific actions, goals, and timelines for the manager to work on before the next meeting.
  • Schedule the next coaching session.

8. Closing (5 minutes)

  • End on a positive note, reinforcing confidence in the manager's abilities.
  • Encourage them to reach out with any questions or issues before the next session.
  • Express appreciation for their time and effort.

Notes Section:

  • Use this space to jot down any additional notes, thoughts, or observations during the session.

Remember, the key to effective coaching is adaptation and responsiveness to the manager's needs and circumstances. This template is a starting point, and you should feel free to modify it as necessary to fit the unique context of your MSP and the individuals you are coaching.


PROMPT: Can you provide me with the mathematical formulas for the most important KPIs for a stainless steel manufacturer?

  1. Production Volume:
    • Formula: Production Volume=Number of Units ProducedProduction Volume=Number of Units Produced
    • This measures the total output of stainless steel products in a given period.
  2. Yield:
    • Formula: Yield=(Good Units ProducedTotal Units Started)×100%Yield=(Total Units StartedGood Units Produced​)×100%
    • This KPI evaluates the efficiency of the production process by calculating the percentage of good quality units produced versus the total units started.
  3. Capacity Utilization:
    • Formula: Capacity Utilization=(Actual OutputMaximum Possible Output)×100%Capacity Utilization=(Maximum Possible OutputActual Output​)×100%
    • It measures how much of the total manufacturing output capacity is being used.
  4. Downtime Rate:
    • Formula: Downtime Rate=(Total DowntimeTotal Time Available)×100%Downtime Rate=(Total Time AvailableTotal Downtime​)×100%
    • This KPI assesses the percentage of time production was halted out of the total available production time.
  5. Scrap Rate:
    • Formula: Scrap Rate=(Weight of ScrapTotal Weight of Raw Material Used)×100%Scrap Rate=(Total Weight of Raw Material UsedWeight of Scrap​)×100%
    • The scrap rate helps in understanding the waste percentage in the production process.
  6. Operational Efficiency:
    • Formula: Operational Efficiency=(OutputInput)×100%Operational Efficiency=(InputOutput​)×100%
    • This measures how efficiently resources (like raw materials and energy) are being converted into finished products.
  7. Cost Efficiency:
    • Formula: Cost Efficiency=(RevenueOperating Cost)Cost Efficiency=(Operating CostRevenue​)
    • Cost efficiency evaluates how effectively costs are being managed relative to the revenue generated.
  8. Inventory Turnover:
    • Formula: Inventory Turnover=Cost of Goods SoldAverage InventoryInventory Turnover=Average InventoryCost of Goods Sold​
    • This measures how often the inventory is sold and replaced over a period.
  9. Customer Satisfaction Rate:
    • Formula: Typically derived from customer surveys or feedback metrics.
  10. Return on Assets (ROA):
    • Formula: ROA=(Net IncomeTotal Assets)ROA=(Total AssetsNet Income​)
    • ROA indicates how profitable a company is relative to its total assets.

In wrapping up, your journey into the world of AI prompts is just beginning. Each prompt you explore is a step toward unlocking the full potential of artificial intelligence in your work or hobbies. Dive in with an open mind, experiment with the prompts that intrigue you the most, and don't be afraid to push the boundaries of what these powerful tools can do. As you tinker and tailor these prompts to your needs, you'll likely find new ways to enhance your projects and streamline your processes. Remember, the true power of AI lies in its ability to adapt and evolve, so keep exploring and let your creativity lead the way. The future is in your hands—shape it with AI!

For an even deeper dive into the world of AI, check out our handbook.